Our Work

Our innovative work has demonstrated that a new approach to solving “brain challenges” brings hope, energy, engagement and new ideas from a wide range of disciplines. It takes a “systems approach” to unlock otherwise-hidden levers for change spanning investment, economics and policy.

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    Providing new narratives and arguments to propel existing projects and public-private partnerships
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    Developing a Brain Capital Dashboard to track progress across cities, states and countries
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    Designing new investment approaches themed on Brain Capital e.g., ETFs, venture philanthropy, open innovation platforms, Brain-ESG framework
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    Integrating Brain Capital into international policy making organizations e.g., WHO, OECD, UNDP
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    Articulating radical policy implementing structures e.g., White House Brain Capital Council and European Brain Alliance

See Our Work Here

Founding Members


“Brain Capital produces the best explanations I’ve seen of the very major problem of so many siloed, artificially isolated brain-based issues.”

Hon Andrew Robb AO, former Australian Trade and Investment Minister