Our Work

Our innovative work has demonstrated that a new approach to solving “brain challenges” brings hope, energy, engagement and new ideas from a wide range of disciplines. It takes a “systems approach” to unlock otherwise-hidden levers for change spanning investment, economics and policy.

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    Providing new narratives and arguments to propel existing projects and public-private partnerships
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    Developing a Brain Capital Dashboard to track progress across cities, states and countries
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    Designing new investment approaches themed on Brain Capital e.g., ETFs, venture philanthropy, open innovation platforms, Brain-ESG framework
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    Integrating Brain Capital into international policy making organizations e.g., WHO, OECD, UNDP
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    Articulating radical policy implementing structures e.g., White House Brain Capital Council and European Brain Alliance

See Our Work Here

Founding Members


Associate Members

NextFuture - 1611wide

“Brain Capital produces the best explanations I’ve seen of the very major problem of so many siloed, artificially isolated brain-based issues.”

Hon Andrew Robb AO, former Australian Trade and Investment Minister