Creativity Infrastructure Working Group

The Creativity Infrastructure Working Group, a partnership with the University of Colorado Denver’s Imaginator Academy, spearheads a brain skills initiative intent on igniting new growth in U.S. entrepreneurship, corporate innovation, and city innovation districts through formalizing and testing a neuroscience-inspired “creativity infrastructure.” With a target of achieving a 25% surge in American creativity over the next decade, this multi-sectoral and transdisciplinary blueprint aligns changing labor necessities with the World Economic Forum’s top future brain skills. Central to its strategy is the elevation of Social Brain Capital (SBC) — a synergistic blend of cognitive capacity and social well-being. Harnessing cognitive, behavioral, and social brain science, the initiative charts a course towards inclusive futures, coherently dovetailing with the Brain Capital Industrial (BCI) Policy Mission. By striking an equilibrium between technological advancements and innate human creativity, the group focuses its efforts on enriching diverse American enterprise sectors: arts, science, business, and education.

Key Endeavors:

  • Measurement & Analytics Innovation: Establish the American Creativity Census/Index to pioneer the systematic gauging and fostering of national creativity and the associated essential brain skills for the Future of Work.
  • Process Innovation: Implement strategic pilot projects targeting corporate innovation ROI and remolding city frameworks for entrepreneurial ecosystem cultivation.
  • Storytelling Innovation: Develop a national community centered on transformational creativity. This seeks to enhance the discourse on the need for a digital-forward national creativity infrastructure that highlights the art and science of being human. A national narrative and event, reminiscent of platforms like TED or SXSW, will be established to spotlight this mission while nurturing a budding Brain Capital industry media cluster.


  • To reinvigorate the U.S. innovation landscape by integrating creativity and top future brain skills.
  • To foster a consortium of stakeholders in arts, science, business, and education, enhancing collaborative innovation.
  • To intertwine technology’s potential with human creativity, emphasizing the significance of both in modern innovation dynamics.


  • Theo Edmonds, JD,MHA,MFA, Imaginator Academy
  • Rym Ayadi PhD, Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association and Bayes Business School

Working Group Members

“Brain Capital is a productive and complex capital stock that accumulates over the lifecycle”

Rym Ayadi, President of Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association